Crimsonland 2003 trailer
Crimsonland 2003 trailer

If it does play while I’m shooting up baddies, I do not hear it at all, and that is totally acceptable. But if you’re okay with some low volume, heavier music in the background, you’ll be alright with this. Of course, that was 2004 and so this song definitely sounds like the year that it came from. I do have a sweet spot for that kind of music as it was far more prevalent as I was growing up. It’s got that heavier guitar and tom drum vibe going for it. It seems to be a song on a loop that runs similarly as maybe the song from Doom 3. You hear it in the short menus between levels or when choosing the gameplay type. But since I couldn’t really hear it over the warfare and I know it’s there, I’m going to definitely be easier on it. Does that mean I forgot about the musical compositions in this game entirely? No, not at all. But the sound of sheer bullets and explosions, it’s just too hard to hear or to concentrate on for that matter. I can’t be too terribly hard on the music, I’m sure that it’s there. This holds a lot of weight throughout the game as there isn’t much in way of music. The game does a fantastic job of making each sound different and unique. Flamethrowers, shotguns, laser guns, sniper rifles, and much more are featured here. Even though a fair amount of them have bullets, they all sound different from each other. There are well over thirty weapons in this game. So since the game is based around tons of guns and perks and enemies too, there are a lot of sounds that need to fill that space. You as the character essentially do not change throughout the entire game. This game really thrives on its weaponry and perks. Countless perks…and one which makes you feel empty inside.’ And a trailer to get your red succulent blood pumping:

Crimsonland 2003 trailer